Your Technical and Business support Partner for the Energy, Resources, and Renewables Sectors.

We have a stable of some of the most talented individuals ready to facilitate whatever your operation requires. Either in-house or on a project basis, our expertise covers all commodities, including but not limited to base ferrous, precious metals, coal, industrial minerals, oil and gas, and now rare earth elements.

At the heart of Igneous Solutions, our principles are Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. Accordingly, we look to acquire and support assets that endeavour to mitigate GHGs as part of a responsible energy mix.

Helping shape the future of the energy sector.

It is hard to predict the future, but you can be sure that the energy sector will look significantly different 20 years from now than it does today.

Renewables are getting cheaper, but fossil fuels are still more lucrative. To reach net-zero, we’ll need radical intervention. the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world’s leading energy authority, laid bare the scale of the challenge in keeping the world on track to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050: a massive acceleration in renewable energy development and, starkly, no new oil, gas or coal development. 

Igneous Solutions is your solution! We can advise, manage, partner, or invest in the Energy Transition in order for Energy, Resources and Renewables companies to be successful in their efforts with the following steps.

Build strategies for low carbon business models that minimize carbon use while remaining profitable and articulate these strategies clearly to markets and other stakeholders.

Support the development of ESG metrics that are transparent, objective, and accessible to investors.

Invest in the promising concepts of net zero emissions and the circular economy while adhering to the nationally determined contributions model of the Paris Agreement.

Encourage the growth of international carbon markets through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and expand the possibilities for joint cross-border projects for emissions reduction.

Develop a workforce strategy that leverages the above into restoring oil and gas as an attractive destination for younger talent concerned about the ESG footprint and stranded asset risk of the industry.



We contract with the most talented individuals in the sector, which allows us to provide businesses with a suite of results-driven services. At Igneous, we pride ourselves on offering a fantastic and effective range of services whilst also driving our green initiative.



For technical services and production enhancement campaigns, Igneous has a wealth of subsurface intelligence, technical ingenuity, and the experience to develop strategies that drive production, performance, and profits.



Skills shortages are one of the critical risks to the mining and resources sector. Therefore, education and training are of fundamental importance to developing the sector’s ability to meet Environment, Sustainability and Governance responsibilities.


ESG Factors

Igneous Solutions is committed to developing an environmentally sustainable business and recognises that all companies have a role to play in environmental stewardship to facilitate the global economy’s transitions to a zero-carbon footprint.


The Future

It is hard to predict the future, but you can be sure that the energy sector will look significantly different 20 years from now than it does today. Work with us to help shape the future of the energy sector.


Portfolio Restructuring and Optimisation

We help energy professionals in the industry. So, they can unleash the total value of their assets by leveraging a combination of industry expertise, best practices, and tested solutions. Thus, Igneous helps organisations maximise the value of reserves. Meanwhile, we are also deploying the latest solutions to offer new processes supporting alternative energy sources with our PhD fund.

We have many experienced individuals who supervise activities and personnel on location. Including drilling, completion, and production operations, as well as safety supervision and site construction.

We can provide training for non-industry professionals. Based on many subjects relating to the Resources sector.

We have a stable to some of the most talented individuals ready to facilitate whatever your operation requires. Either in-house or on a project basis, our expertise covers all commodities, including base, ferrous, precious metals, coal, industrial minerals, oil and gas, and now rare earth elements.
